Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 20 May 2023 Written Story Update

Rabb Se Hai Dua 20 May 2023 Written Story Update On HindiTvGhar.com

Dadi advises Dua that society tends to suppress the weak, so she must be strong and adopt Gazal’s resilience. It’s essential to put an end to this destruction and expel Gazal from the house. Dua expresses her belief that she has already lost the battle. Dadi contradicts her, asserting that the fight for truth never ceases. She points out how everyone was intimidated by Dua’s display of strength and emphasizes the need to fight now, or else remorse will haunt her forever. Dadi urges Dua to confront her adversaries and channel her anger to challenge them. It’s crucial for everyone to acknowledge that Dua has maintained control over the house, so she must relentlessly attack Gazal until she flees. Dua agrees, realizing that it’s not the time to shed tears; instead, it’s Gazal’s turn to weep and suffer. Dadi prays for Dua’s strength, while Dua acknowledges that she had contemplated leaving the house. However, Hamida Maa, Dua’s mother, convinced her that she cannot abandon the family under Gazal’s influence. Dua is determined to expose Gazal’s true nature. Dadi commends Dua’s mother for her strength, comparing her to a lioness. Dua acknowledges that her mother has rescued and guided her towards enlightenment. Unbeknownst to them, Gazal overhears their conversation and declares that if Hamida is a lioness, then she is a hunter. Gazal vows to break down Hamida, which in turn will weaken Dua.

Haider approached Hamida with a plea, accepting any curses she wished to cast upon him, but urging her not to remain silent and to acknowledge that he valued her favors. He compared her to his own mother, expressing his inability to bear her anger directed at him and even offering to endure a physical punishment if necessary. However, Hamida distanced herself from him, declaring that he had shattered her trust and could no longer be considered her son after committing such a sin. She contrasted his actions with the nature of her own children, stating that they would never intentionally harm someone, yet he had caused harm to her daughter.

Haider tried to explain his mistake, but as he recalled Gazal’s plea to keep their secret, he faltered in his words. He attributed his wrongdoing to his role as a son, but Hamida demanded an explanation regarding Dua’s suffering. In response, Haider promised to rectify his mistake and pleaded for a chance to do so. Hamida, granting him that chance, instructed him to remove Gazal from their house and dissolve their marriage. Haider was taken aback by this demand. Outside the room, Gazal overheard their conversation and realized that Haider was unable to comply with Hamida’s wishes.

Hamida persisted, telling Haider that she had given him an opportunity, and now he must divorce Gazal. Gazal, pleased with the situation, determined to intervene. However, Haider confessed his inability to carry out the divorce. Hearing this, Hamida expressed her disappointment and accused Haider of thinking he could keep two wives for himself. She reminded him that both Gazal and Dua had rights, and if he was unable to fulfill those rights, he could not keep them both. Haider pleaded with her, stating that he was trapped. Unyielding, Hamida admonished him for attempting to control the lives of others and declared that he had no right to determine their fates.

Haider assured Hamida that he would keep Dua happy, but she asserted that he had already imprisoned her daughter and urged him to stop his actions. She posed a final question: whom would he choose to divorce, Gazal or Dua? Haider pleaded with her not to force him into such a decision, but Hamida, disappointed in his weakness, departed from the room, leaving him alone with his turmoil.

Dua finds herself in her room, seeking solace. Feeling the urge to freshen up, she heads towards the washroom. Unbeknownst to her, Gazal sneaks into the room with a sinister plan brewing in her mind—to bring harm upon Dua’s mother. Swiftly, Gazal conceals herself inside the cupboard, hiding in anticipation. Meanwhile, Dua reaches the washroom, her eyes welling up with tears as she reflects on the heart-wrenching decision she made, surrendering Haider to Gazal. In the midst of her emotional turmoil, Gazal rummages through some garments, preparing to depart.

In another part of the house, Hamida informs Hafeez about their imminent departure. Meanwhile, Gazal, ready to leave Dua’s room, catches sight of Hamida approaching. Sensing the presence of someone, Dua hesitates, on the verge of entering her room.

[Episode End]

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