
Faltu 17 May 2023 Written Story Update

Faltu 17 May 2023 Written Story Update On HindiTvGhar.com

The episode begins with Faltu expressing her regret to Savita for being unable to save Ayaan, apologizing to her. Kanika seizes the opportunity to taunt the family, mocking their trust in Faltu, an uneducated village girl. Tanisha claims that she can rescue Ayaan, but the family refuses to believe in her abilities. Faltu urges Tanisha to stop and accuses her of orchestrating the theft of the file. Tanisha feigns innocence and attempts to turn the family against Faltu. She insinuates that Faltu is incapable of safeguarding the evidence. Just then, Kinsukh and Ayesha arrive, inquiring about the commotion. Dadi explains how the crucial evidence that could have saved Ayaan was stolen, leaving Kinsukh astonished.

Infuriated, Savita angrily tosses aside the food she had prepared to celebrate Ayaan’s return. She scolds Faltu for failing to keep the file secure, despite being aware of Tanisha’s manipulative tactics. Faltu tearfully apologizes to Savita and makes the decision to leave the house. Tanisha gleefully relishes this moment, while the family is left in shock. However, Janardan arrives and interjects, asserting that Faltu will not be going anywhere. He places the blame on Tanisha for the recent events and refuses to bow down before Kanika any longer. Janardan declares his decision to leave the house along with the entire family.

Ayesha expresses her refusal to leave the house, citing that her child is too young to endure the hardships of their current dire situation. Janardan suggests sending Ayesha and the baby to Ayesha’s parents’ house temporarily. Ayesha requests Kinsukh to accompany her, but he declines, determined to fulfill his responsibilities towards his family during their time of trouble. Ayesha and Kinsukh engage in a heated argument over this decision. Faltu intervenes and urges Ayesha not to fight, as it only serves Tanisha’s desire to create discord among them. Ayesha places blame on Faltu for the predicament they find themselves in, which angers Kinsukh. Faltu implores them not to fight on her account.

Faltu confesses that she initially intended to leave the house but reconsidered upon witnessing Janardan and the family’s determination. She acknowledges that even if they were to leave, Tanisha would not cease her malevolent ways. Faltu resolves to fight her battle against Tanisha instead. Tanisha urges Janardan not to let the family depart, offering to return their house if Faltu leaves. She claims to love them all but despises Faltu, suggesting that their happiness in the house hinges on Faltu’s absence. Tanisha asserts that there is no other way to bring Ayaan back. The family members ultimately choose to leave. Faltu smiles, aware that Tanisha will not permit the family to vacate the house. She decides to expose Tanisha’s true nature by remaining in that house.

Tanisha is taken aback when she overhears Kanika speaking on the phone about being ready to sell her business. Tanisha confronts Kanika, who explains that this drastic step is necessary to curb her obsession with Ayaan. Kanika suggests selling the business, the house, and starting a new life elsewhere. Sid interjects, expressing his disagreement. He confesses his love for Tanisha and admits that he joined their plan despite knowing she loves Ayaan. Sid pleads with Kanika and Tanisha to give him a chance.

Tanisha rejects Sid’s plea, stating that she doesn’t love him and believes that a marriage cannot survive without love. Sid confronts Tanisha, questioning why she is pursuing Ayaan, who doesn’t love her and never will. This statement infuriates Tanisha. Sid declares his deep love for Tanisha and asserts that he is willing to do anything for her, but she fails to appreciate his love. Kanika intervenes, urging them to stop fighting. She acknowledges Sid’s love for Tanisha but remains firm in her decision to sell the business, citing a lucrative deal. She explains that selling the house is the only option to end Tanisha’s unhealthy fixation on Ayaan. Sid implores Tanisha to consider his words, emphasizing that she deserves happiness instead of this obsession.

Faltu seeks help from a friend to retrieve the CCTV footage and determine the direction in which the goons who stole the file fled. Her friend explains that they cannot access the footage without police permission, but assures her that he will try to find a solution. Overwhelmed by the judge’s scolding, Faltu breaks down in tears. In her emotional state, she imagines Ayaan comforting her and encouraging her to continue fighting.

[Episode End]

Precap : Tanisha addresses the family and announces that they will all be leaving the house, including Faltu. She reveals her plan to auction the house, leaving everyone in shock.

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