
Ajooni 30 May 2023 Written Story Update

Ajooni 30 May 2023 Written Story Update On HindiTvGhar.com

The episode commences with Amrit inquiring about what else she needs to witness. Tejender expresses his gratitude towards Rajveer for arriving on time, mentioning that he could have lost his life otherwise. Rajveer urges them not to speak in such a manner. Tejender discloses that he has discovered Ravinder to be his enemy. Ajooni informs him that Ravinder’s reaction was provoked by the laddu incident. Amrit speculates that Shanky might be responsible. Ajooni assures her that it’s unlikely because she always had the laddu box in her possession. Amrit wonders if they suspect them. She contemplates leaving the house. Rajveer advises her against such thoughts and vows not to spare the culprit.

Meanwhile, Ravinder confides in Harman, revealing everything. He states that he has issued a final warning to Tejender, asserting that if Tejender takes any further action, he will harm Tejender’s family.

Dolly seizes Shanky’s meal from Aman and dismisses him. She adds extra salt to the gravy. Shanky arrives and requests his food. Dolly serves Shanky his meal. After eating, Shanky starts coughing and hurls the plate away, attracting everyone’s attention. He exclaims that the gravy is overly salty. Dolly defends herself by claiming that everyone else consumed the same gravy without any issue. Harman tastes the gravy and confirms it’s perfectly fine. Dolly accuses Shanky of intentionally causing a scene. Ravinder enters the scene, and Shanky urges Harman to taste the gravy spilled on the floor. In response, Harman slaps Shanky and suggests to Ravinder that they should withhold food from him as punishment. Bebe scolds Shanky.

Ajooni recollects the recent incidents and suspects that someone is intentionally sabotaging Rajveer and Ravinder’s relationship. She ponders how glass pieces ended up in the laddus. Ajooni recalls Amrit preventing her from seeing Tejender’s phone and decides to listen to the recording.

Dolly becomes frightened upon discovering a snake in her room and promptly informs her family. Ajooni goes to Tejender’s room to bring him tea and discreetly takes his phone. Tejender requests her to send Kaveri instead.

Baggas searched Dolly’s room for a snake but found nothing. Shanky arrived and asked what had happened. Dolly accused Shanky of bringing the snake, but he denied it, mentioning that he was actually afraid of snakes. Shanky revealed that Dolly had mixed salt in his gravy earlier, and now she was falsely blaming him. Ravinder reprimanded Dolly for her actions and also scolded Shanky for bringing the snake.

Later, Ajooni informed Rajveer about a recording she had. She played the recording, but it turned out to be the wrong one, where Amrit claimed to be worried about Rajveer and expressed distrust towards Ajooni. Tejender brought Amrit to the scene, and she challenged Rajveer to kill her if he suspected her. Rajveer instructed Ajooni to apologize to both Tejender and Amrit. Ajooni sincerely apologized to them, and Amrit forgave her before leaving. Rajveer, filled with anger, stormed off from the place.

[Episode End]

Precap : Ravinder assures Rajveer that he is aware of the latter’s reluctance to pull the trigger. Expressing his trust, Ravinder embraces him. Unexpectedly, an unidentified individual seizes Rajveer’s firearm and fires at Ravinder. Ravinder, bewildered and hurt, interprets this act as a betrayal from Rajveer.

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