
Ajooni 20 June 2023 Written Story Update

Ajooni 20 June 2023 Written Story Update On HindiTvGhar.com

The Episode Starts with Tejender questioning Pathan about how he came to know about the property. Pathan responds by stating that it is not important and points out that Tejender had done everything to obtain Baggas’ property, which now belongs to Shanky. Tejender contemplates Pathan’s words, acknowledging that he is right and believes that his name should be included in the property papers.

Meanwhile, Ajooni serves tea to Shanky. Shanky expresses his remorse at seeing Ajooni in distress and admits that he shouldn’t have killed Rajveer. Ajooni reassures him that it was not his fault and that it was destined to happen. Shanky takes responsibility for Ajooni from that point forward, assuring her that she is not alone and that she should consider their house as her own. He encourages her to share her problems with him and asks if anyone is troubling her. Ajooni reveals that Amrit is causing trouble and pretends to cry. Shanky assures her that he will handle Amrit and urges her to address him by his name. Ajooni nods in agreement and leaves the room.

Amrit orders Harman to thoroughly clean the floor and questions why she married Ravinder. Harman explains that Amrit fails to comprehend the love and respect she receives from Ravinder and expresses her desire to marry him again in her next life. Amrit attempts to slap Harman, but Ajooni intervenes, grabbing Amrit’s hand and twisting it. Amrit calls for Shanky, causing Ajooni to release her grip. Shanky arrives, and Amrit accuses Ajooni of twisting her hand.

Ajooni approached Shanky and informed him that Harman had been cleaning the floor when Amrit almost slipped due to its slippery surface. Ajooni helped Amrit by holding her hand to prevent her from falling. However, when Amrit spoke to Shanky, she accused Ajooni of lying. To demonstrate her claim, Amrit twisted Ajooni’s hand, mimicking what she believed Ajooni had done to her. Fortunately, Shanky intervened and saved Ajooni from Amrit’s aggression. He firmly stated that nobody has the right to scold or harm Ajooni, leaving the scene. Amrit was taken aback by this unexpected reaction.

Later, Harman cautioned Amrit against speaking ill of Ravinder. Meanwhile, Tejender shared his intention to divide Baagas property into three parts with his lawyer. He also disclosed his plan to Amrit, who supported his decision. Pathan questioned Tejender about the possibility of Shanky refusing to sign the property papers. Tejender assured Pathan that he would obtain Shanky’s signature no matter what.

Ajooni expressed her gratitude to Shanky for rescuing her from Amrit’s clutches. Shanky advised her to ignore Amrit’s actions. Ajooni then revealed to Shanky the nefarious plan concocted by Amrit and Tejender. Subsequently, Tejender contacted Shanky and requested his signature on the property papers. However, Shanky declined, emphasizing that he had risked his life for the sake of the Baggas. Amrit intervened, reminding Shanky that everyone had contributed to the cause. Undeterred, Tejender handed the property papers to Shanky, who tore them up defiantly. In response, Amrit threatened to kill Shanky, declaring that he would not receive a single penny from the property. Shanky left the premises, while Kaveri revealed her plan to Tejender. Pathan and Ajooni overheard the conversation, becoming privy to the scheme.

[Episode End]

Precap : Ajooni discovers that Shanky had concealed the property documents inside Tejender’s warehouse. Pathan captures Shanky’s admission on tape.

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