
Meet 21 May 2023 Written Story Update

Meet 21 May 2023 Written Story Update On

While keeping an eye on Chiku and the couple through CCTV, Meet witnessed a distressing scene. Chiku, frightened in bed, accidentally wet himself. The lady, visibly annoyed, expressed her frustration, but her husband reassured her, taking control of the situation. In an attempt to comfort Chiku, he threw a blanket, unfortunately causing it to fall and obstruct the camera’s view.

The man swiftly replaced the soiled bedsheet, while the lady scolded Chiku for his mishap. Meanwhile, Sumeet, who had been hiding in the cupboard, overheard Chiku’s cries and grew concerned.

Manmeet entered the room, carrying gifts for Sumeet, and inquired about her whereabouts. Meet, hoping to calm his unease, suggested that she might be playing outside. Manmeet disagreed, expressing his worry and questioning where she could have gone. Meet, growing increasingly anxious, recalled Chiku’s consistent gaze towards the cupboard and had a sudden realization.

Together, Meet and Manmeet approached Chiku’s room and knocked on the door. The man inside answered and allowed them entry. Meet cautiously opened the cupboard, discovering Sumeet hiding inside. Worried, Meet inquired about her well-being. Sumeet hurriedly approached Chiku, comforting him and asking why he was crying and who had hurt him. Manmeet, curious about Sumeet’s presence in the room, questioned her intentions. Sumeet explained that she had come to be with Chiku, to alleviate his fear, and had planned to sleep beside him. Confused, she confronted the couple about their scolding of Chiku, mentioning that she never experienced such treatment from her own parents. She questioned why they were behaving that way.

The woman said to Sumeet, “I was simply trying to explain to him that big boys don’t pee in beds, so I wasn’t scolding, just raising my voice.” Sumeet suggested, “You could at least change his clothes.” Sumeet got some clothes for Chiku. The woman felt uncomfortable and disgusted while cleaning Chiku, making faces, and eventually left the room feeling sick. Sumeet found it suspicious that a mother could feel nauseous about cleaning her own child. He smiled and went to Chiku to help him. The man defended the woman, saying that she wasn’t accustomed to doing such tasks and must have felt sick, but he assured Sumeet that she loves Chiku a lot.

Manmeet showed Sumeet some photo frames he had gotten for him. Sumeet loved them. Jashoda told Sumeet, “You look just like your parents.” Sumeet asked her why Chiku didn’t resemble his parents. Jashoda explained, “Sometimes kids resemble other relatives.” Meanwhile, Meet noticed a ball about to hit Sumeet and swiftly caught it. Manmeet praised Meet for her quick reflexes. Meet inquired about the cricket game happening nearby. Sumeet informed her that it was Chiku who was playing and mentioned how he played just like Virat Kohli. Meet decided to go and watch Chiku play with the other kids. Sumeet exclaimed, “Look, Mommy, he’s enjoying it so much.” As Meet observed Chiku playing, it reminded her of how well Meet Ahlawat used to play, and she missed him. Meet walked up to Chiku and expressed her admiration for his cricket skills. Chiku replied with enthusiasm, saying, “Yes!” Meet suggested, “Come on, show me your bowling.”

Chiku’s style is reminiscent of Meet Ahlawat, who hits a six. Chiku swiftly pursues the ball and makes a successful catch. Meet notices the striking similarity between Chiku and Meet Ahlawat, wondering how it is possible for Chiku to share so many habits with him.

A misfortunate incident occurs when a boy throws a ball at Chiku, accidentally hitting him on the head. As a result, Chiku falls and hits his head on a nearby stone. Witnessing the incident, a couple stands by, observing the situation. Meet and Manmeet quickly rush to Chiku’s aid and decide to take him to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the doctor requests Meet and Manmeet’s consent by providing a consent form. Manmeet expresses concern about Chiku’s parents’ whereabouts, to which Meet responds that he is unaware as he had already informed them.

The couple then goes to meet Kanika, who scolds them for coming to her instead of going directly to the hospital. Kanika insists they proceed to the hospital and take care of the child. In a shocking turn of events, the couple agrees to harm Chiku, stating that they will require extra money to carry out the task.

At the hospital, Meet and Manmeet anxiously await the arrival of a couple. The doctor, sensing urgency, urges them to start quickly due to time constraints. Suddenly, the couple rushes in, and Meet reprimands them for their delay. The man explains that his wife had fainted, leaving him feeling utterly helpless, but they managed to make it to the hospital. Concerned, they inquire about the whereabouts of their child. Meet promptly summons the doctor and requests them to bring the necessary forms for the couple to sign. After the couple signs the forms, the doctor informs them that their child has experienced significant blood loss, and they urgently require a blood transfusion from a matching blood group. The man reveals that his blood type is a match but expresses concern about his diabetes. Meet suggests contacting the blood bank, but the doctor informs them that it’s not feasible as the child has a rare blood group, AB-. Realizing that AB- is her own blood group, Meet selflessly volunteers, saying, “Take as much blood as you need to save the child.”

Meanwhile, Sumeet fervently prays to God, desperately pleading for Chiku’s (the child’s nickname) recovery. He even offers to give up his favorite doll, appealing, “Please save my Chiku Bhaiya; you can have my cherished doll.

[Episode End]

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