
Imlie 13th May 2023 Written Story Update

Imlie 13th May 2023 Written Story Update On

The scene opens with Imlie behind the wheel of a bulldozer, seeking help from the owner to rescue Kairi from a ditch. With the owner’s assistance, Kairi reluctantly agrees to leave the ditch, but Imlie embraces her warmly, to the applause of the onlookers. Chini then appears on the scene and is surprised to find Imlie with Kairi. Imlie explains that she had instructed Sita Maiya to rescue Kairi first and Kairi, touched by Imlie’s compassion, compares her to her own mother. However, Chini is taken aback and wonders if Imlie is unaware that Kairi is her biological daughter, and hence has not yet started looking for the child’s father.

Kairi, noticing Chini, mentions her presence, but Chini chooses to hide from her. Imlie departs for summer camp with Kairi, and Chini breaks down, reflecting on how she had earlier comforted Kairi. However, Kairi remains unaware of Imlie’s true identity. Chini recalls Anu’s warning about losing her second chance very soon, adding to her distress.

Chini has clarified that she did not steal Arto from Imlie. In fact, Arto left Imlie on his own and Chini took care of Kairi along with him. Chini has spent her entire life feeling confused about her identity and belonging. She lost Imlie, but doesn’t want Kairi to go through the same experience. Thus, she insists that Imlie stay away from them.

When Kairi gets injured, Imlie tends to her wound and promises to inform her father about the incident. However, Kairi is afraid that her father will not allow her to stay at the camp if he finds out. Despite this, Kairi asks Imlie about the locket she is wearing and whether it has a photo of her prince. Imlie thinks of Arto as she remembers the prince.

Meanwhile, Chini reaches home and informs Arto that Kairi is with Imlie. Arto is shocked to hear this news. Later, Imlie sings a lullaby to Kairi and Arto joins in. He then reveals to Kairi that she is their daughter and that Imlie is her mother. Kairi is overjoyed and hugs Arto and Imlie. However, Chini tries to take Kairi away, but Imlie insists that Arto and Kairi belong to her. This causes Chini to get restless and she breaks a vase, injuring her hand.

Returning to reality, Chini realizes that Arto hasn’t woken up yet and that her previous encounter with him was merely a dream. She feels that she cannot reveal to him at the moment that Imlie is staying with Kairi. Meanwhile, Devika is overcome with grief and begins to weep, feeling as though someone she knows has called out to her. She holds onto the hope that Arto will eventually contact her. Dhairya tries to comfort her by reminding her of the painful truth, explaining that he is living without his own mother, Kala, who left for the sake of their family’s peace. He tells Devika not to cry and prays that no mother should have to experience such agony.

[Episode End]

Precap : Kairi advises Dhairya to express his love to Imlie, and coincidentally, Imlie overhears Arto’s voice emanating from a tablet that Kairi was using.

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